Friday, September 23, 2011

Confession #35 - Swimming

Ok, this is an easy one.


Tell me you saw it coming...

Just... I just love everything about it. 
There is something really wonderful about climbing into the pool...

And being in that super magical ripple water.

Now don't get me wrong - I still fear water just like the next shmoe!

I mean seriously, drowning... not a daydream of mine.

But I do love to be underwater.

It's a whole other world in there.

It just makes me want to explore.

What's around that corner?

It gets me thinking... what if there was a whole city under here?

(Like in the little mermaid)

As a kid/teenager/me, I am always very little fun at the pool - all I ever wanted to do was see how much I could sit on the bottom. I so wished there had been handles so I could have stayed there. It was so fun for me. So peaceful under there.

And something is just plain silly about sitting with your legs crossed,

Maybe it's just me. :o)

In high school, the year I graduated, I was lucky enough to be on the swim team. It was hard sometimes (I lost 60lbs from it), and I wasn't even close to the hardest working swimmer out there!

One thing I do remember was the swim meets.

This picture gives me butterflies:

It was so fun. I wanted to swim well, so badly.

One day when I have a few thousand dollars to throw away, I will get one of those endless pools - the little pools that go in your home, in a patio or some such - where you can do non stop laps in a small amount of space. 


I think my love of water is what draws me to Tahiti so badly.

I just love the idea of staying in a little hut, in the water - or having this waist-deep water all over the place - crystal clear, wonderful, beautiful water...

It just seems the most peaceful thing to me.

One day! day.

Um, so as a footnote here, you'll notice my topic is mainly:
"I love swimming - in clear water, mostly found in pools."

Let me clarify why this is so.
(Quickly, I promise.)

I do NOT like swimming in lakes, or oceans.
Because they have living things in them, that I can't see?

For reals. What is that thing??
UUuuuuuhhhhhhhghhh.... what just touched my leg?!

*deep breath*
When I was a kid, I loved to swim in the lake by my grandparents' cottage.
I would probably swim in it again, just because it is the lake.
It is a man-made lake, which means it was flooded... which means it was full of trees.

Are you starting to get where my fears are coming from?!
Ok maybe I am over-reacting.

One year, they drained the lake - and Grampy went down into the lake and chainsawed down all the trees/stumps into tiny stumps.

(Look at this newfangled doohicky they have to do that now!)

But even when there were tiny stumps everywhere, it still weirded me out. 
Not only were they always slimy, but they still just...
Trees underwater = creepy in my book.

That lake was great for watching pollywogs and exploring though. 
Mmm I can almost smell it!

For now though, I think I will work out my swimming love in clearer waters.

Swim on!


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